Crown Blues Research Development

Crown Compassion

Kowear! Compassion services have been setup for community outreach purposes and membership care programs. Our collaboration with charity programs are infinite. The programs hosted range from Human Resource Management to our specialized Sponsor a Child program and Rehabilitation Center project.

CBEL Academy

‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’. We look to provide you with the quality and personally selective games and entertainment available. We can even assist you in creating your own games and entertainment. We represent our member’s custom projects and present them to designers for perusal. Our aim with this section in the department is to give you the opportunity to have a fantastic time.

Games & Entertainment

‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’. We look to provide you with the quality and personally selective games and entertainment available. We can even assist you in creating your own games and entertainment. We represent our member’s custom projects and present them to designers for perusal. Our aim with this section in the department is to give you the opportunity to have a fantastic time.

Crown Blues Health Care

Healthy living is an undermined task in todays fast-paced hi-tech world. Living a healthy lifestyle is parallel to obtaining success. Our Health and Safety section aims to check all the dark corners of this field. Safety is another aspect to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Specially tailored Health and Safety programs have been integrated into Kowear!’s operations to make healthy living a reality.

Home Business Liasing

Home businesses may seem like a new brand of lifestyle where in fact they are the cornerstone of modern society. Every home in itself requires a level of management and maintenance that automatically calls for business activities. Whether paying bills or acquiring new appliances, an income is necessary to support the home. Getting the home to generate and income, separate from your working income, is an effective and undeniable objective to attain.

kotech! Systems

Kowear!’s system engineering services provide thorough analysis and testing of operations. The design and establishment of new or custom systems are a necessary approach to obtaining effective and efficient operations. The average time-line per project design is (4) to eight (8) months and project costs are negotiated two (2) weeks prior to the start of each project. Simulations are provided for test purposes.

Travel & Tourism

Looking for that perfect vacation or just need a time out with the family? Kowear! Incorporated’s Travel and Tourism bureau will help you tailor the right vacation for you at the best available price.

Booking hotels and tours at your destination are done well in advance to make sure you get that quality lifetime experience. Need an urgent vacation? we can work that in too.